Secondary Classes Overview

Secondary classes are semi optional potentially selectable classes that are obtained through adventuring in the World Of Weedbeam. They are largely dungeon master/trip adviser selected and assigned according to things that happen in quest and choices you make or do not make. They are obtained relatively randomly as the story progresses, and in most cases you will have the option to accept or eventually turn down or remove a secondary class. Currently only 2 classes per character will be allowed at maximum. Since these roles are assigned randomly, turning down or removing a secondary class ought to be considered carefully if the option presents itself. You may not get the option to remove a secondary class when another presents itself, and alternatively may not get a second chance at a secondary class for an extended period of time if you turn one down to wait for another.

These classes reflect the adventures in the World Of Weedbeam and may not be the same as the primary classes you choose from when creating a new character. Secondary classes come with the abilities and advantages or disadvantages listed for each class below.

This list will be regularly updated when new secondary classes are made available.

Secondary Classes Currently Potentially In Play


At some point along the way, you got bit by a vampire. If you survive the blow from the bite, and the initial weakness and sickness that comes with being bit by these creatures, then congrats, you are now one of the cursed undead too.

“I am the Vampire Lestat. I'm immortal more or less. The light of the sun, the sustained heat of an intense fire-these things might destroy me. But then again, they might not.”   - Lestat : The Vampire Chronicles 2

-You have opened up the vampire skill line

-Skills will be randomly assigned to you from the dungeon master/trip adviser at specific intervals. Your vampiric strength and power will be largely dependent on the strength and powers of the one who bit you.

-Like a Changeling Type 1, you learn more about your abilities/learn more abilities the more you utilize the ones you have.

-You become permanently susceptible to holy , fire, and light magics. You can no longer be healed by conventional healing methods and they may actually harm you. Travelling without a hooded armour item in daytime hours may cause sparkling....just kidding. You may receive periodic damage and weakness by doing so. Entering holy places may also cause you periodic damage the longer you remain.

-If you purchase a coffin and a horse as a familiar you may be transported without harm during the day but at the expense of having to roll a 4,5 or 6 with a D6 to wake up to participate in battle or quests which may affect time in quests.

-New vampires begin with 1 vampiric ability. You will be offered a choice.

-Where your vampirism conflicts with the abilities of your race or primary class they will be worked out on a case by case basis.

You probably wandered into a foul spiritually significant dungeon and BAM!, some creepy ectoplasmic son of a bitch decided your body would be a good place to go all up into. Now you can't get it out. It's talking to your head. It's making you do things. You're all Linda Blair'd.

"Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous. He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don't listen to him. Remember that - do not listen. " -Father Merrin: The Exorcist

-You have opened up the possessed skill line

-Skills will be randomly assigned to you from the dungeon master/trip adviser at specific intervals. Your possessed strength and powers will be largely dependent on the strength and powers  and personality of the spirit that inhabits.

-Like a Changeling Type 1, you learn more about your abilities/learn more abilities the more you utilize the ones you have.

-You become permanently susceptible to holy , and light magics.  Entering holy places may also cause you periodic damage the longer you remain.
-The nature of most , but not all, spirits is to harm you somehow. Because all spirits are generally mischievous you will have a hard time discerning their attempt to harm you from their attempt to help you.
-Spirits like to talk. A lot. You have to put up with the voices inside your head.
-You experience fatigue at random intervals and may be required to skip at turn at the DM's discretion. This tends to happen precisely when you may be needed most. Spirits can be dicks.
-New possessed persons begin with 1 spirit driven ability. You will be offered a choice.
-The nature of most spirits is to harm you somehow. You can, however, reason with, and train your spirit to do the things you want it to do.  In this there is always a chance that if you're arguing skills are sharp you can convince the spirit not to be a burden to you at a given time when it is, or alternatively to be a benefit to you in some way.  Over time a spirit may become more compliant and helpful if you are good at this.
-Where your possession conflicts with the abilities of your race or primary class they will be worked out on a case by case basis.

Please see the choose a class page to see the minecrafter statistics.

Minecrafting as a second class can be dropped as easily as dropping your pickaxe.

Zombie Princess
Way to go you sick fuck; you married and are probably being boned by a corpse. You did this of your own free will.  I don't .... I won't.... I can't even explain how fucking gross you are. Excuse me I think I need to hurl. 

"There's a lot of ways to get to know a person. Eating her dead boyfriend's brains is one of the more unorthodox methods, but..." - R: Warm Bodies

-You have opened up the zombie princess skill line

-Skills will be randomly assigned to you from the dungeon master/trip adviser at specific intervals. Your zombie princess strength and powers will be largely dependent on the strength and powers of the zombie you marry

-Like a Changeling Type 1, you learn more about your abilities/learn more abilities the more you utilize the ones you have.

-Close to the dead, but not dead yourself, you are subject to depression and melancholy. You suffer emotional fatigue with each use of your zombie princess abilities. Every time you put your beloved in danger on your behalf you suffer emotionally and have less will to go on. In general you are now rather depressio, Lydia. The possible outcome for continual use of your skills is a growing emo attitude, self harm, and player-cide.

-You start with -1 in charisma and as you advance your skills in this line this will continue to drop.

-New zombie princesses begin with 1 zombie princess ability. You will be offered a choice.

-Where your new class conflicts with the abilities of your race or primary class they will be worked out on a case by case basis.

Dragon Lord
You performed a task dutifully and the dark world has seen fit to grant you a gift, a dragon. Lets be clear: You are not lord of the dragons here. You don't get to do a dance in a kilt all over the dragon-verse. You are a Dragon Lord, a master of one. Use it wisely.

“My armor is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!” Smaug: The Hobbit

-You have opened up the dragon lord skill line

-Skills will be randomly assigned to you from the dungeon master/trip adviser at specific intervals. Your dragon lord strength and powers will be largely dependent on the strength and powers of your dragon.

-Like a Beast Master, your Dragon's  abilities and strength grow the more your Dragon gains in experience on the field.

-In order to remain strong, your dragon will need to periodically feed. This will mean being supplying food or finding a food source during your adventures. Part of your dragon's growth in power and strength will depend on its feeding habits and your ability to supply food. Food can be any edible source from a store, or from your adventures. Dragons are particularly fond of live food.
-Dragons will need to feed in order to recover from battles.
-If your dragon devours anything from a battle, it will irrecoverably devour the loot.
-To summon your dragon to battle requires two successful rolls of D20 in a row. This roll requires no turn but can only be attempted once per your turn.
-Dragons do not start off big enough to ride. Its just a baby!
-The more you sacrifice to feed/feed your dragon the quicker he will grow and the more powerful he will become
-Your dragon won't be allowed to die. It can, however, be disabled, potentially for long periods, or frightened.
-Your dragon also grows in power and strength with experience and use.
-New dragon lords begin with 1 dragon lord/dragon ability. You will be offered a choice.
-Where your new class conflicts with the abilities of your race or primary class they will be worked out on a case by case basis.

Congrats. Someone has augmented your body against your will in a crude medical engineering experiment performed in a land that is largely still in the middle of the dark ages for technology. If you don't die from a horrible infection or chemical poisoning, you will be cybernetically enhanced by people who don't know fuck all about computing and robotics!

"You know, anyone who wears glasses, in one sense or another, is a cyborg." - Evgeny Morozov:

  Are We Becoming Cyborgs?

-You have opened up the cyborg skill line

-Your cyborg skills are transmittable to you through technology only: computers, chips, upgrades, etc.

-Your skills only grow in ability if you find or purchase the necessary upgrades, sort of similar to the augmentation of the body of the Gollum race.

-You begin with a Cybernetic Arm that is bound to you.

-The arm can transform into a blaster. Thus you are always equipped with a blaster weapon. Blaster does +3 Damage, which can be leveled up just as you do. (Level 5, 15, 25, 40, 60, 80, 100 adds +1 Damage each time.)

-The arm can inherently hack computers and terminals (2 Turns).

-Cyborg specific skills are through the power of technology and must be installed.

-Installation can cause problems

-If you are somehow killed, a part of your body (The one that was the most damaged) becomes replaced with Cybernetic Material.

-If you become fully cybernetic, things become…difficult for you… (More as time goes on.)

-Because of your initial arm tool/blaster, you cannot use two handed weapons anymore (unless you remove and replace the arm).

-The Arm can be removed or replaced, but is extremely difficult and possibly life threatening to do so.

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