Self Training: Available on any planet. Can only be done by purchasing a weight set. The amount gained from this training can only be increased by training on a planet with considerably higher gravity than Earth's. Power level requirement will be decided upon the planet you train on.

Normal: +1% Stat increase per day

Roshi's Training: Only available on Earth. Best way to gain special experience (special exp. is used to learn your custom moves). No power level requirement.
$100 a day
+1% stat increase, 50 special exp. per day

Sparring: Requires 1 senzu bean per battle to prevent injury (Death is not an option). No power level requirement. You may also spar with a moderator if you wish! If currently a member of an army you may only spar with those in your group, or a moderator.
+3% stat increase, 25 exp. per day

Gravity Training: In order to do this training you must have a space ship or a Capsul Corp ship, plus an upgrade chip. The stat increas for gravity training is 10%. Every level of gravity can only be used twice due to your body getting used to the gravity.After gravity training normal training stat gains are halved, unless done in higher gravity.
+10% stat increas per day

King Kai's Training: In order to train at King Kai's you must be dead. The rest will be determined by roll of the might not ever get the training, or you might get it and walk away with very little to speak of. Of course you could always walk away with more than anybody ever bargained for...

Spirit and Time Room Training: Only available on Kami`s look out. You must be at perfect ki and health to enter. After training in this room you must win 10 battles to enter again. Your base power level must be at 10,000 to train in this way.
$15,000 a day
+100% stat increase, +2000 exp per day

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