There are a number of quest guidelines that must be kept in mind. Please read them before participating in quests.
1. There are different kinds of quests. You can only participate in quests which are open to you. That info should be posted. If you have questions, ask your moderator.
2. Repeatable quests, while tied into the plot, may not always contribute to the plot of the RPG and therefore are not always going to be posted in the story page. There will always be at least one repeatable quest per saga.
3. Quest gains are listed. There will always be gains. But full listed gains are dependent on completion of the quest. Completion does not always mean a positive, happy, winning ending. You'll be informed by your moderator when you've successfully completed a quest.
4. Some quests have hidden gains that are not posted. Those gains are generally tied into the way you RP and usually involve discovering a person, being told secret techniques, or finding or being given an item. Some items discovered or techniques learned are not neccissarily posted on the store or attacks page.
5. Quests generally contribute to the overall story. Some of the quest text may be altered or edited prior to posting to the story page.
6. Quests and training cannot happen simultaneously. This RPG takes place like a normal Dragon Ball series. If you've chose to train in a given week, you cannot quest that week. And vice versa.
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