Cheese Sauce
Make a rue. This is a thickening agent, a mix of flour and some kind of oil. I prefer margarine. Bacon drippings is good too. Melt the margarine or heat the drippings. Mix the flour and the melted margarine/oil/fat together to a paste-like consistency.
Add the salt and pepper to the rue.
Stir in the milk. For up to one minute, microwave the mixture. Stir the mixture with a spoon well. Microwave again for one minute. Stir, repeat. After about 3 or 4 repetitions of this the mixture should begin to rise when in the microwave and when you stir it it should be a thick sauce-like consistency.
Mix in the cheese whiz.
Microwave up to one minute, stir, and check that the cheese is dissolved and the sauce is still consistently thick. Repeat as many times as neccessary, microwaving for one minute at a time and stirring between microwaves.
Dish and serve and enjoy!