
There are five player stats in this game: Strength, Speed, Spirit, Intelligence and, Defence

STR => Strength = Your character's physical strength. It affects how much damage your punches, kicks, and combos do.

SPD => Speed = Your character's overall speed. This affects who goes first in battle, your ability to dodge attacks, etc.

SPR => Spirit = Your character's energy level. This affects your power level, HP, ki battles, etc.

DEF => Defense = Your character's ability to take damage. This affects your HP total among other things.

INT => Intelligence = Your character's ability to learn new moves. This does not affect battle. It only affects the character's ability to learn new moves.

PL => Power Level = Your characters amount of ki available to them. Certain attacks take ki. Ki cannot be easily replenished, especially during battle.

HP => Health Points = Your health level. If it reaches zero you are essentially dead.




How Things Are Decided

The old Dragon Ball Xtreme was dice based and formula based. In lui of dice I will be using a random number generator found here. This will sincerely simplify things. You will have to trust your moderator fully that they will be fair and impartial in their rolls. A formula spreadsheet will be created on the moderators end so that dice values can be entered and outcomes calculated easily. These "rolls" and outcomes will be told to you as entertainingly as possible. This and player updates is the job of the moderator.

All battles take place on MSN Messenger. The main battle will take place in one window. The strategic moves will be whispered to a moderator in another window. As long as everyone is respectful of the rules, staying in character (ALL those who enter the battle window must be in a character of some sort, even if they do not play the rpg) and respectful that during calculating they are not to be idly chatting then all are welcome to watch and participate to make it a fun experience for all. Moderators are to be 100% impartial and fair, and moderators are to be the only ones who can approve changes to the physical environment, etc (storms, blast damage, audience stampeeds resulting in damage to the stadium, etc).

Battles are turn based. Wait for your turn. Attackers message first, then defenders, then the moderators. And so on and so on.




How Battles Work

When you are fighting, you are either attacking or defending. The first to attack will be the fighter with the greater SPD. The one with less SPD will defend first.


When someone attacks you, you have 3 choices :

1. Block => DEF + any items such a armor will be added to equal your defense points to see how much damage you can withstand. To determine how much of the damage you block, the formula 100-(attackers pl/defenders def) is used. The number calculated is equal to the percent of the damage you can block.

(Ex: Your DEF = 100 and you are wearing Saiyan Armor (25% benefit). Your def = (100 x 1.25) = 125. The attackers PL = 2000. You block. 100 - (2000/125) = 84% of original damage will be blocked.)

2. Dodge => Your opponents SPD vs your SPD will equal an evade %. A die is rolled to determine if you get hit. If your opponent is equal or faster, he will hit you. Dodge is not a good choice.

(Ex: Your SPD = 150. Your opponents SPD = 125. You dodge. 125/150 = 83% chance of being hit. A 100 sided die is rolled and equals 91. it is over 83 so you do not get hit.)

3. Counter => When you counter you are using one of your own attacks to attack your opponents attack and hopefully overcome it and turn your attack on them inflicting damage on them. There are two counters you can do: a ki counter or a physical attack counter.

A. Physical Counter Attack => If someone physically attacks you, you can counter with an attack of your own. You pretty much exchange hits with each other until one succumbs.

B. Ki Counter Attack => If someone uses a ki based attack at you, you can counter with an attack of your own. Note: If your ki attack is radically different than theirs, the moderator will decide the success or faiulre of your counter attack immediately. So choose your counter attack type wisely (ie: using a Dragon Fist attack against a beam attack isn't going to be very helpful). Ki counter attacks are either won or lost. This means the stronger attack prevails and does the only damage. So be wise in your counter attack.


Combos => You or an opponent can use a combo meaning a series of kicks, punches, slaps, tail slaps, etc. There will be ten series of attacks used. They are physical attacks. Combos can be blocked, or dodged, or countered in the same way as above. If you use a combo a ten sided dice will be rolled for each person using it to see how many of their attacks hits their opponents. Only attacks that hit will be factored in using the formulas above.



There are several types of attacks.

1. Physical Attack => Punch, kick, slap, etc. The damage dealt for a physical attack will be equal to half of your strength. It takes no ki energy.

(Ex: Your STR = 200. 200 x 0.5 = 100. The maximum damage you can deal is 100.)

2. Ramming => Flying full speed into an opponent is called ramming. It is a good way to take control from a more powerful adversary. It takes no ki energy and deals damage equal to your SPD plus STR divided by two. You take half of the damage you deal. Ramming cannot be countered.

(Ex: Your STR = 125, SPD = 125 (125+125 = 250 x 0.5 = 125) then ramming will deal a maximum 125 points of damage. However, you take half of that damage, so you take 63 points of damage.)

3. Ki Attack => Ki (energy) attacks work a little different from normal attacks. When you prepare to fire a beam (for example) a few steps must be followed. As explained on the Attacks page this is how the damage of a ki attack will be determined. This is an example of how it works:

(Ex: Level one attack: 100/75 initial 50/10. This means.... 100 = the amount of Ki you use. 75 = the damage that can be dealt. The 50/10 means you may put 50 more ki energy for every ten damage you want to inflict.)

A. Announce in battle what attack you are using (This way your opponent knows what attack you is using but not how much ki you are using. Therefore, they must guess on how much ki is needed to counter if they choose to).

In the separate chat window with just the moderator (and your friends if you have chosen to allow them to see) message the moderator to tell me what attack and how much ki you will be using.

The defender must announce whether they will dodge, block, or attempt to counter. If they counter they must announce their type of attack (If you choose to counter you must whisper to the moderator telling them what attack and how much ki you will use to counter).



Powering Up And Using Items

Powering up to Max PL can take place on any turn. Staying true to the style of fighting in Dragon Ball, powering up will involve the restoral of ki to the Max PL, regardless of how much was used already.


Non weapon or armor items can be used occasionally in battle (Weapons and armor must be equipped before a battle and may not be allowed for certain kinds of battles like tournaments). Items tend to have their own properties and rules. Check the item page for details. Unless otherwise stated, physically using an item takes one full turn.




Running Away And Hiding

Not all battles need to end in death. If you choose to run, you may try. You will need the agreement of the other player to let you run, in that case you will not die but you will lose the battle. If you do not get the agreement of the other player you need to be faster than the other fighter. If you are not then you may want to try hiding. If you successfully hide for ten turns you will have run away. The success of your hide will be based solely on dice rolls. You will need to roll an even number on a ten sided dice for each times you hide. Hiding is not a defensive move. You must use your turn to hide.




Intelligence Meter

0-50: Can't learn new moves.
51-100: Can learn tier 1-2 moves.
101-200: Able to learn custom moves. Now you are able to join an army.
201-1000: Can learn tier 1-4 moves. (500) Can lead an army.
1001-10000: Can learn tier 1-2 moves 2x as fast (1/2 exp.).
10001-100000: Can learn custom moves 2x as fast.
100001-1 million: Can learn tier 1-4 moves 2x as fast.
1 million-10 million: Can learn tier 1-4 moves 3x as fast. (1/3 exp. rounded up) .
Above 10 million: Can learn custom moves with normal exp.





Ki is a type of energy used. In the Dragon Ball world it is described as a type of energy that all living things have. Some can control it. Some can train themselves to possess more of it. In this game the amount of ki you have is equal to your PL.

To find your base PL you need to add your STR and SPR, then you multiply that by ten.

(Ex: STR = 100, SPR = 100. 100 + 100 = 200 x 10 = 2000 (Base Pl). )

A character can take time in the battle to power themselves up. If they do they can reach their Max PL. Now to find you Max PL you need to take you base PL and multiply that by 1.5.

(Ex: 2000 x 1.5 = 3,000 (Max PL) .)





To find out your HP (health points) you simply add your DEF and SPR. Then you multiply that by five. After each attack, the damage dealt is subtracted from your HP. If it reaches zero you are dead.

(Ex: DEF = 100, SPR = 100. 100 + 100 = 200 x 5 = 1000.) 

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